Friday, April 9, 2010

Moving Tip!

Pack an Essentials Box!

Hopefully you’ve already found your local moving company in Boynton Beach, so now to the packing!

Moving can be a nightmare but if you pack a box of the essentials that you’ll need for the next 24 hours or so after your move you’ll find the experience to be much less stressful!

You don’t want to worry about ransacking all of the boxes to find that toothbrush or Fido’s food bowl!

Things that should be in your Essentials Box:

  • Toilet Paper (don’t get caught without it!!)
  • Dish soap, Dishtowel, and dishcloth
  • All-purpose cleaner (a new bottle will be money well spent!)
  • Instant coffee (it can be a looooong few days)
  • Toaster or small toaster oven
  • Jar of pasta sauce and pasta (or some easy food item for one dinner and lunch)
  • Unopened small jar of jam/peanut butter
  • Snacks
  • Mug, plate, fork, knife, spoon for each member of the family
  • All-purpose cutting knife
  • Beverages
  • Pet food and dishes
  • Radio
  • Scissors, craft knife, or box cutter (to open the rest of your boxes)
  • Small emergency kit
  • Portable tool kit
  • Flashlights, candles, and matches (you just never know)
  • Shower curtain (unless you’ve got doors on your shower/tub)
  • Shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothbrush, floss, and toothpaste
  • A change of clothing and towel for each member of the family.
  • Sheets for each bed
  • Garbage bags
  • Important records (medical records, passports, leases, financial information, etc.)

It might also be a good idea to check out the local grocery store for food you can quickly prepare for yourself and your family.

To maximize the effectiveness of your essentials box, put it in the the car, the cab you’ll take, or ask the movers to put it in the truck once they’re done packing away everything else(that way it will be the first thing off the truck at your new home).

Wishing you a smooth move,

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